
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Genetic Modification is just an advancement of Science...

Human evolution has always relied on technology, and gene manipulation
is simply the next step.

Human evolution has always been linked to our technology, ever since
we discovered how to make fire. Rather than redevelop thick fur coats
covering our skin, we started making fires and killing other animals
to build our own coats. Since then, we have advanced our immune
systems and increased our lifespan through medicine. Gene manipulation
is just an inevitable path on the same road. Trying to hold it back is
futile. Progress will be made whether it is encouraged or not.

If we have a chance of saving lives we should go for it. Cancer is a
major issue at present. Hopefully we may be able to address this
through gene alteration. Man has always dreamt of flying and this
could eventually be achieved through mass splicing and modification.
Also if we know less now about the human genome more people will try
to figure it out - its only human nature to be curious!

Extracted from:

After reading this article, I agree with the writer that genetic modification would help with the needs of the future generations to come. It can also help to prevent cancer in the long run and many other diseases in the long run. If there are so many advantages to this, why would people still want to go against this discovery? Could there possibly side effects or unknown consequences to this or would it be successful as predicted?


  1. I agree that this discovery has alot of advantages.However,there are more cons than pros. Is it always the case whereby this discovery is totally useful? I do not think so.Some children are born just to cure the diseases that their siblings are suffering. However,do the parents truly love the child or is it that they just want him or her been born as a savior child. The child may feel unloved or unwanted but need them in this world for a cause. -Zhi yuan & Swedha

  2. If read my sister's keeper by Jodi Picoult, you would have known that the parents' love for the girl born to cure her older sister with cancer was equal to that of all their children. Therefore, this shows that siblings born to cure their older brother/sister may not necessarily feel unwanted in this world so long as they are treated with love and care. As mentioned in comments before, it may not always be the case that this discovery is useful but it will serve a great purpose to mankind if it is done to a certain extent. Imagine you are the sibling born with cancer, won't you want another younger sibling to help spare your life? -Millie and Chloe

    1. Is it always the case whereby the savior child is loved and cherished by the parents?Even if the child is loved by his parents,he has to go through excruciating pain to save his sibling.Has the parents ever ask the child's permission before deciding to use him for the treatment of his sibling? Therefore,the child might be forced to go through all these even through the parents love him. Could the child be able to feel the love of his parents if they let him to suffer through all these pain? The sibling would benefit from the savior child but the savior child would suffer because of his sibling. Is it fair for the child? I feel that it is very selfish if the sibling of the savior child wants him simply because he want to survive,not because he wants him but needs him.-Zhi Yuan

  3. I agree with Zhi yuan on this matter. Every human is born to prove their potential, contribute to the society, experience the joy of living. Therefore i think that no one would actually want to be born for the sake of helping another child. This just shows that the 2nd child is not as important as the 1st because the parents want to have the 2nd child for the benefit of the 1st child. Furthermore the 1st child may feel left out even though the parents may provide the same love and affection for both children. Because they were not born because the parents love them they were born because they needed the 1st child to survive.
    Swedha Balachandar (03)
